Who we are
INOVA Centrum Innowacji Technicznych Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością in Lubin belongs to the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group.
The business focuses on providing customers with modern, innovative, top-quality products and services from the scope of electrotechnics, automatics and radio communication. These tasks are carried out by a creative and experienced team of specialists using professional technical facilities.
Nearly 60 years of tradition backed by expertise and extensive experience guarantee professional realisation of all challenges in accordance with customer expectations.

INOVA sp. z o.o. conducts product certification processes on the basis of obtained accreditation. In addition, it has the status of a notified body. It also carries out separate implementation and pilot projects in the field of new underground technologies involving the implementation of the latest scientific and technical solutions for use in the mining industry.
Electrical Engineering
The main product of the electrical engineering industry is transformer stations. We offer more than 30 types of transformer stations of different capacities and design variants.
Radio Communication
Over the past few years, we currently maintain in constant technical efficiency, an underground communication system at all Mining Divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
We design automatic control and industrial electronic equipment. We are highly capable of developing new solutions in a short time and deploying them for general use.
The main product in the field of mechanics are brattice stoppings. We have a portfolio of more than 20 stopping models in various designs and associated automatic control systems.
Accredited Laboratories
In the organisational structure of INOVA Spółka z o.o. there are 2 accredited research laboratories which conduct research in accordance with the scope of accreditation.
Our experience in the design and manufacture of electronics enables us to carry out tasks from idea through design to finished product using modern, advanced technologies.
Cap Lamp Room operation services
The services within the scope of the operation of the cap lamp room at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. are a critical point for mine operations and an important element in ensuring safe work.
Seismological Service
We provide specialised servicing of measuring and recording equipment forming part of seismic systems at all mining divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and ensure their technical efficiency.
Servicing of radio communication
Over the past few years, we currently maintain in constant technical efficiency, an underground communication system at all Mining Divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Maintaining machinery, equipment and electrical installations in constant technical efficiency is a priority task that defines the activities of our Electromechanical Services Division.